Monday, June 23, 2014

Learning More About What A Root Canal Is

Do you have rotten teeth that have holes in them or do you experience pain every time you chew on a tooth? This might be a sign that you will need a root canal treatment. If you what to learn more about what they call a root canal, then here is a simple fact about it. A root canal is a treatment that involves the pulp of the tooth. When it is inflamed, dead, or infected by bacteria, then the pulp of the tooth will require treatment as well as cleaning. This will also make the roots of the teeth and the surrounding bone healthy. When the root canal has been treated, the pulp will be removed and all the canals and pulp chamber will be sealed to prevent bacteria from entering and doing more damage to your tooth.
A root canal treatment sometimes is also called an endodontic treatment which is the more correct terminology for a certain procedure that treats the nerves of the tooth. Endodontics is a special field in dentistry that deals specifically with the tooth pulp as well as the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. A root canal can be performed by a general dentist but may refer to an endodontist who is much more qualified and experienced particularly with root canal treatments.  

While many people go to the dentist just for checkups and getting their teeth cleaned, they sometimes do not follow the right oral health procedures and usually end up with unhealthy teeth. So if you are thinking that a root canal is not necessary then you are wrong. There are many factors that contribute to pulp damage in teeth. Common factors such as the following are essential warnings that we must always bear in mind:

  • Pain - It is the most common sign and symptom of unhealthy tooth and ends up in getting a root canal.  If the tooth is still alive, it is exceptionally sensitive to hot and cold temperatures even after the sensation has passed.  The tooth will hurt, bleed, and irritate you every time you put pressure on it. Thus affecting your daily eating or drinking habit.

  • Abscess - If some of your teeth are abscessed, then you will require a root canal. This can also contribute to a pimple like bump on your gums and even have pus accumulating leaving a bad taste in your mouth. 

  • Deep cavity – As tooth decay infects your teeth, the pulp will become infected with bacteria. The only way to remedy this is by getting a root canal treatment to remove the areas that have been affected by decay.

  • Trauma – Impacted with a great amount of force, a nerve can be severed and die leaving a very traumatic experience lasting for several years.

  •  Fracture – With fractured teeth, the fracture can also extend down to the root and pulp. This will need crown restoration as well as a root canal to help in the restoration.  

  •   Repeated dental procedures – Causes a lot of stress to the teeth as well as to you.

Having great with teeth that are complete and healthy is a must. This will also prevent the need for a root canal that is quite a stressful experience to undergo because of unhealthy oral care habits. So if you do not want to experience having a root canal, then take care of your teeth, brush three times a day, go regularly to your dentists for checkups, eat healthy food, and start living a more healthy life.

- Dr. Joe Kim

Mill Creek Dentist

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